*COVID 19: I have used Guidance from The Government, Public Health England, and The British Ceramic Federation to risk assess members of the public coming to the workshop for the purposes of making imprints. Measures have been implemented to ensure we can carry these out in a controlled and responsible way. All visitors are asked to wear a mask and follow government COVID 19 official guidance, I will wear one also. If anyone intending to visit (or their family) has flu or COVID 19 symptoms or has tested positive in the last 10 days, please email and reschedule your visit for a later date. All equipment intended for imprint use will be disinfected prior to and after use. The doors and windows to the workshop will remain open during your visit to aid in ventilation. Where possible we will maintain a 2m distance and if I need to assist in the imprinting I will wear PPE (gloves, mask, and apron). I will ask you to sign in and provide contact details for the purposes of the NHS track and trace. Hand gel will be available to use on entry to the workshop.